Penetration Testing, No Vulnerability Unchecked

Your systems deserve an offensive security audit conducted by the best experts. Intervalles Technologies is the ideal choice. With 36 international cybersecurity certifications, their expertise is unmatched. This recognition demonstrates their mastery of advanced pentesting techniques. Their team of seasoned ethical hackers will thoroughly examine your defenses. They will identify even the smallest vulnerabilities present in your systems. No blind spots will withstand their certified and comprehensive process. By choosing certified experts, you can maximize your cyber resilience. Take proactive steps to protect your organization from potential threats today.

Streamline Development with Effective Penetration Testing

The absence of multi-approach pentesting (black box, grey box, or white box) can lead to various risks and disastrous consequences for a business.

  • Substantial financial loss due to cyberattacks: By neglecting regular analysis of your IT system, you become a prime target for hackers.
  • Violation of regulatory and legal compliance: Many sectors are subject to strict standards regarding the protection of personal and professional data.
  • Prolonged interruption of business activities: A major security breach can lead to temporary or even permanent unavailability of essential digital services necessary for the internal or external operations of the organization

Penetration Testing: Get One Step Ahead of Hackers!

  • Une Sécurité optimale grâce à des tests approfondis : Un audit de test penetration multiapproches permet d'identifier les vulnérabilités potentielles de vos systèmes informatiques et applications IOS et Android grâce à différents niveaux de tests (black box, grey box, ou white box).
  • Des économies sur le long terme : En investissant dans un audit pentest multiacteurs, vous évitez des coûts futurs liés aux dommages causés par des cyberattaques.
  • Conformité réglementaire et normative : Les normes réglementaires exigent souvent des contrôles de sécurité rigoureux pour garantir la protection des données sensibles.

Multi-Approach Pen test by Intervalle Tech

Expertise Normative ISO 27001

At Intervalle Technologies, we excel in mastering cybersecurity standards, including ISO 27001, PCI-DSS, and GDPR. This expertise guarantees compliance with international best practices for your systems and processes. Our certified consultants assist you in implementing, evaluating, and maintaining your ISMS effectively. Consequently, we help clients meet the requirements for ISO 27001 certification. As a result, we ensure robust governance and optimal protection of your information assets.

Certified Ethical Hacker

Ethical hacking forms the backbone of our penetration testing approach at Intervalle Technologies. Our certified ethical hacking experts, known as CEH, master the latest intrusion techniques and tools. They reproduce cybercriminal tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) systematically. Furthermore, they use standardized methodologies, such as the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP). Ultimately, our mission is to anticipate and eliminate vulnerabilities before malicious individuals can exploit them.

Advanced Cloud Security Skills

Intervalle Technologies has recognized expertise in cloud security for various environments. Our certified cloud security analysts specialize in AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform. They assist in assessing and hardening your public, hybrid, and multicloud environments. Moreover, we consider both structural and application dimensions of your cloud infrastructures. Therefore, we address the specific characteristics of cloud service providers and the associated risks in this architecture.

Continuous Threat Landscape Monitoring

At Intervalle Technologies, we continuously monitor the evolving threat landscape and cybersecurity trends. Our experts in threat hunting and threat intelligence analyze indicators of compromise (IOC) consistently. They examine attack patterns and suspicious activity by relying on reputable sources, including MITRE ATT&CK and MISP. Consequently, this deep understanding of emerging threats allows us to adjust our pentest audits. Thus, we can provide you with timely and relevant recommendations.

Detailed Reporting and Remediation Guidance

Intervalle Technologies places great importance on formalizing and communicating pentest audit results effectively. Our security consultants produce comprehensive and educational reports with concrete examples and screenshots. We classify vulnerabilities based on their criticality, exploitability, and potential impact on your information assets. Furthermore, we guide you in prioritizing corrective actions and monitoring their implementation. In doing so, we aim to maximize your cybersecurity investments and enhance your return on investment (ROI).

Intervalle Technologies: Experts in Pentesting to Assess Your Resilience